L'ordre de la Rose d'Or of Unser Hafen (CRO)
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands (CLG)
Lux Australis of the Citadel (CLAC)
l'Order de la Lune Bleue of Twin Moons (LBTM)
l'Order du Coeur d'Ambre of Twin Moons (CATM)
La Bris de Mer of Caer Mear (CC)
Lady of the Papillon* (closed) (OLP)
Lanternarius of Wiesenfeuer (CL)
League of Hidden Treasure of Darkwater (OLHT)
Legion of Courtesy of Caid (LOC)
Lion of Atenveldt, Defender of the Dream (LOA)
Lion's Paw of Lyondemere (CLP)
Lions of Ansteorra, Defenders of the Dream (LION)
Lady of the Dove* (LD) (order closed)
Lady of the Edelweiss* (LE) (order closed)
Leaping Stag* (CLS) (order closed)