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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
All Awards and Orders for the Outlands

Kingdom Awards bearing a Grant of Arms

Argent Fleece (CAF) Persona Excellence
Courage (COC) Feats of valor at foreign wars
Flower (OFO) A&S
Golden Lance (OGL) Equestrian
Iron Hart (TIH) Armored fighting
Sharparrow (AIR) Archery
Silver Lance (OSL) Equestrian
Stag (OSO) Service
Vangard (VOO) Service at War
White Scarf of the Outlands (DWS) Fencing

Kingdom Awards bearing an Award of Arms

Argent Hart (CAH) A&S
Doe & Mountain (CDM) 15 years A&S
Golden Pheon (CGP) Archery
Silver Stirrup (CSSO) Equestrian
Silver Tyne (DST) Fencing
Stag and Chalice (CSC) 15 years service
Stag's Blood (DSB) Armored fighting
Stag's Heart (CSH) Service
Trefoil (CTO) Shire award: A&S, Service, Martial Arts

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Awards

Argent Rose of the Outlands (CARO) Youth Service
Azure Mullet of the Outlands (CAMO) Youth A&S
Brendon Swatko Award (CBS) Youth fighting
Cordon Royal (BCR)
Domus Animalium Outlandium (RFB) Animals
Fallen Snow (CFS)
Knights Pensioners of the Venerable Guard (PVG)
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands (CLG)
Palmer's Lantern (CPL) Modern Art
Promise of the Outlands (CPO) Youth Award.
Queen's Cypher (BQC)
Queen's Grace (CQG)
Ragnar's Hammer (CRH) service to Battlemoor
Velvet Tynes [award closed] (CVT)
Venerable Guard (CVG)
Walker of the Way (CWW)

Baronial Awards of the Kingdom of the Outlands

Barony of Caerthe
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Aspen of Caerthe (CAC) Service
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe (CGL) A&S
Sable Destrier of Caerthe (CSDC) Equestrian
Sable Lion of Caerthe (CSLC) All martial arts.
Black Glove of Caerthe (CBGC)
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe (CCHC)
Coronet's Smile (HCS) bringing something extra to an event
Dreamer's Cup (CDCC)
Green Tree (Page or Maid) () Youth Award
Jubilant Pride of Caerthe (CJP) Joviality
Keystone of Caerthe (CKC)
Order of Evan (SDR)
Order of Excellence (CEC)
Pilgrim of Caerthe (CPC)

Barony of al-Barran
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Espada de Oro of al-Barran (CEO) Fencing
Hammer of al-Barran (DHA) Armored Fighting
Russian Thistle of al-Barran (CRT) A&S
Scorpion of al-Barran (CSA) Service
Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran (CSS) Armored Fighting
Watch Fire of al-Barran (CWF) Archery
Antares Kano of al-Barran (CAK)
Desert Fawn of al-Barran (CDF) Youth Award.
Golden Tassel of al-Barran () Fighting
Golden Tassel of al-Barran () Fighting Units
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran (CHSA)
Light of al-Barran (BLA)
Sable Garter of al-Barran (KSG) Persona
Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran (BSF)
Scorpion's Spoon of al-Barran (CSS)
Silver Dagger of al-Barran (CSD)
Silver Tassel of al-Barran ()

Barony of Dragonsspine
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Dragon's Claw of Dragonsspine (CDCD) Armored Fighting
Dragon's Fire of Dragonsspine (DDF) Archery
Dragon's Grace of Dragonsspine (CDG) Fencing
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine (CDB) A&S
Scales of Dragonsspine (CSD) Service
Baron's Chalice of Merit (BCM)
Baroness' Degree of Elegance (BDE)
Dragon's Shield of Dragonsspine (CDS)
Gentle Dragon (CGD)
Guardians of the Golden Flame (GGF)
Heart of Dragonsspine (CHD)
Pride of Dragonsspine (CPD) Youth Award
Treasured Jewels of Dragonsspine (CTJD)

Barony of Citadel of the Southern Pass
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Arquites Australis of the Citadel (CAAC) Archery
Astrum Australis of the Citadel (CAA) Service
Calyx Honoris of the Citadel (CCH) Chivalry & Honor
Ensis Honoris of the Citadel (CEH) Fencing
Flos Australis of the Citadel (CFA) A&S
Thermopylae of the Citadel (DOT) Armored Fighting
Baron's Keystone (BBK) Service
Baroness’s Chalice (BBC) Service
Lux Australis of the Citadel (CLAC) Youth Award
Pilgrims of Saint Edrik (PSE) Departure
Praeceptor Australis ()
Seeker of the Grail (OSG) Newcomer
St. Stephan of the Citadel (OSS)

Barony of Unser Hafen
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen (CBP) A&S
Epona of Unser Hafen (COE) Equestrian
Golden Columbine of Unser Hafen (CGC) Nobility of spirit and persona
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen (CGR) Service
Guardians of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen (CGP) Archery & Thrown Weapons
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen (CKP) Armored Fighting & Fencing
Corona Graminea of Unser Hafen (CCG)
Harmonia of Unser Hafen (CMP)
Iron Rivet of Unser Hafen (C.I.R.)
L'ordre de la Rose d'Or of Unser Hafen (CRO)
Noble's Gratitude of Unser Hafen (CNG)
Prima Lux of Unser Hafen (CPL) Youth Award
Salt Bearer of Unser Hafen (CSB)
Skipping Stone of Unser Hafen (CSS) starting in UH, excelling other places
Stonemason of Unser Hafen (CSM)
Torch Bearer of Unser Hafen (CTB)

Barony of Caer Galen
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Arch of Caer Galen (BA) Service
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen (CGN) A&S
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen (CBM) Armored Fighting/Fencing/Archery/Equest.
Book and Harp of Caer Galen (SCG)
Chalice of St. William the Cooper (BCW) Good works
Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen (CHC) extraordinary service
Hedgehog of Caer Galen (UCG) Youth Award
L’Ordre du Cochon Alé (CA)
Monkey of Caer Galen (DM)
Poignard Noir of Caer Galen (BPN) personal service
Saint Cecily with the Cup (BPR) heraldic and bardic service
Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen (BC) Long Service
St. Douglas at the Hearth (DAH) Hospitality
World Gilders () Persona development

Barony of Fontaine dans Sable
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Guardian of the Oasis of Fontaine (OG) All martial arts.
Keepers of the Waters of Fontaine (KW) Service
Palma Aurea of Fontaine (OGP) A&S
Artisans of Fontaine dans Sable () A&S
Baron's Thistle of Fontaine (BT)
Daffodil of Fontaine (C.D.) A&S
Falling Waters of Fontaine (FW) Fighting & Dying
Fleur and Fountain (F.F.)
Golden Paw of Fontaine (GPF)
Houre Glass of Fontaine (OHG)
Hydra Order of Fontaine (HFS)
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine (MG)
Silver Axe of Fontaine (CSA)
Small Fountain of Fontaine (CSF) Youth Award
Winged Pheon of Fontaine (OV)

Barony of Aarquelle
Armigerous (bearing an Award of Arms)
Eagles Plume of Aarquelle (AEP) A&S
Heart of Osorio of Aarquelle (AOH) Service
Silver Blade of Aarquelle (ABS) Rapier
Silver Fletching of Aarquelle (ASF) Archery & Thrown Weapons
Star and Compass of Aarquelle (ASC) A&S
Sun and Eagle of Aarquelle (AES)
Sword Bearers of Aarquelle (ABA) Fighting
Anvil of Aarquelle (AAA) Service
Furison of Aarquelle (AFA) A&S
Mace of Aarquelle (AMA) Fighting
Sun and Mountain of Aarquelle (ASM) A&S
The Shining Beacon of Aarquelle ()
Wolves of Aarquelle (AWA) Youth