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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Outlands Order of Precedence

Rebecka Juni Arleysdaughter (Nahrun Kabirun)
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2023-10-21

Ástríðr Ylfva (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2023-10-28
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2024-01-20
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2023-09-16
Award of Arms2022-06-22

Vagn Egilsson (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2023-10-28
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2024-02-18
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2023-05-07
Award of Arms2022-06-22
Corona Graminea of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2023-07-01

Brigid ingean ui Eóghain na h-Oitrich (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands)2023-10-29
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2024-08-24
Dragon's Fire of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine)2023-01-28
Award of Arms2022-02-26

Aurelia Salutia (Blaiddwyn) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2023-11-04
Award of Arms2021-12-18
Desert Fawn of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1992-05-23

Coaimhe (of al-Barran) (al-Barran)
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2023-11-04

Hardwin Godricson (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2023-11-04
Award of Arms2016-05-28
Antares Kano of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2016-05-29
Queen's Cypher [Magge] -- (Outlands)2017-05-06

Aífe an tSneachta (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2024-01-06
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2023-07-01
Award of Arms2023-01-07

Arndís Knýtir (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2024-01-06
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2020-01-05
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2023-01-07
Award of Arms2019-05-04
Jubilant Pride of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2019-10-05
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2021-08-21

Talespinner (of Caerthe) (Caerthe)
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands)2024-01-06

Regalis dei Falchi (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2024-01-20
Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2023-09-16
Award of Arms2023-02-25

Steinn ulfr (Aarquelle) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2024-01-20
Award of Arms2023-01-21
Mace of Aarquelle -- (Aarquelle)2023-04-29
Anvil of Aarquelle -- (Aarquelle)2023-09-30

Rafandi Frettur (al-Barran)
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2024-01-26
Watch Fire of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2023-05-27
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2024-05-25

Grimric of Middlesex (Citadel of the Southern Pass) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2024-02-10
Award of Arms2023-06-03
Pilgrims of Saint Edrik -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)2024-06-22

Rusa al-`Aliyya (Citadel of the Southern Pass) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2024-02-10
Award of Arms2023-06-04
Pilgrims of Saint Edrik -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)2024-06-22

Ástriðr of Dragonsspine (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2024-02-24
Scales of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine)2024-02-24
Gentle Dragon -- (Dragonsspine)2016-01-30
Heart of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine)2023-10-29

Giovanni Feliciano (Dragonsspine)
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2024-02-24

Genevieve Filia Alierii (Plattefordham)
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2024-03-02
Award of Arms2017-06-24

Æva Dyer (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2024-03-23
Award of Arms2019-10-05
Jubilant Pride of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2019-10-05

Hildegarde Von Volkenshagen (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2024-04-20
Award of Arms2021-12-05

Jameson MacTyre (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2024-05-25
Hammer of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2019-09-21
Award of Arms2013-12-22
Antares Kano of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2013-12-21

Lucius Verrinius Atticus (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2024-08-31
Dragon's Claw of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine)2024-11-16
Award of Arms2024-02-24

Odin Viligísl (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2024-08-31
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2024-01-06
Award of Arms2016-11-05

Caírech Liath ingen Ailpin (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2024-09-01
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2024-09-01
Award of Arms2024-02-17

Kikertje van Breukelen (Unser Hafen)
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2024-09-01
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2024-05-05
Award of Arms2021-09-04
Noble's Gratitude of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2021-09-04