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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Queen's Glove of Ansteorra (XQGA)

The stylization of members of this order is Bearer of the Queen's Glove of Ansteorra.

Notes on this order:

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Brigitta Olavsdatter of Kiel 1987-06-20
Brigitta Olavsdatter of Kiel 1989-01-28
Brigitta Olavsdatter of Kiel 1990-07-21
Chiara Grassi 1991-01-26
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto 1998-07-11
Conal Alexandria O\'Riordain 1999-07-10
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto 1999-07-10
Marguerite Dinard 1999-08-19
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto 2014-04-12
Conal Alexandria O\'Riordain 2016-10-15
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto 2016-10-15