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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald

Aelfraed Hawkmoon
Ailith Dreki
Alyssa of Plattefordham
Amanda (of Plattefordham)
Ardashir (of Drygestan)
Argyle the Strong
Arnora Hammarskjoldottir
Asha Khalida Saraya
Balthazar Knopf
Bergantia (of Plattefordham)
Brigantia of Plattefordham
Bronwyn Flamehair of Falcon's Keep
Catriona ingean Fairdaegh
Christina McCarty
Eilionora Howell
Genevieve Filia Alierii
Gwyneth Penryn
Hiraikotsu Takeshi
James of Plattefordham
Karina Dobrogneva
Katarina (of Plattefordham)
Katerina (of Plattefordham)
Kathryn (of Plattefordham)
Lynn Miller
Martin William of Hameldone
Nanna (of Plattefordham)
Nastas\'ia Zvir\'eva zhena L\'vova
Nicolae Rares
Odin Vingthorson
Ronin (of Plattefordham)
Sharon of the Roses
Sonja (of Plattefordham)
Stahlgrim Svithskeggi
Stephan McCarty
Syla Marston
Thomas Davidson the Seeker
Vernon Grunther
Vingthor Ragnarson
Walther Gütman
Zita Bruna
Zvir L\'vov syn Gorin
Aelfwynn the Wanderer (inactive)
Airmid of Crannog Ardanaiseig (inactive)
Bill (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Bran Ironskull (inactive)
Carina Lunetta de Lacy (inactive)
Caspian Aachin (inactive)
Catherine Beaujeu (inactive)
Colgrin Tallhelm (inactive)
Eban Littlebrother  (inactive)
Emmeline Duncan (inactive)
Ennyln von Knopf (inactive)
Hákon Beowulf (inactive)
Ingrede of Snowden (inactive)
Kenric Bjarnarson (inactive)
Lenard (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Lorcan Duncan of Atholl (inactive)
Luke Band Griffith (inactive)
Lynnette Cantwell (inactive)
Maeve Reynebaud of Falconskeep (inactive)
Margery de More (inactive)
Ragnar Hermanssohn (inactive)
Reynaud (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Rhiannon Caroleine Beaufort (inactive)
Roger Lacy du Lac (inactive)
Seamus the Squirleslayer (inactive)
Svein hammar (inactive)
Wilhelm Altmann (inactive)
Yasmina (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Ysabeau Morgan Beauclerc (inactive)