Balthazar Knopf (Plattefordham) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- Outlands | 2016-08-20 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2009-12-05 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2007-07-07 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 2011-09-17 |
Award of Arms | 2004-12-04 |
Justice McArtain (Caerthe)
Pelican -- Midrealm | 2016-08-27 |
Dragon's Heart -- (Middle) | 2012-07-07 |
Grant of Arms | 2018-08-09 |
Purple Fret -- (Middle) | 2008-05-25 |
Willow -- (Middle) | 2008-05-30 |
Red Company -- (Middle) | 2015-08-19 |
Award of Arms | 2005-11-19 |
Augmentation of Arms | 2017-08-10 |
Griffith atte Dernedyngle (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Outlands | 2016-09-03 |
Iron Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2006-05-20 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 2003-08-02 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2004-08-22 |
Cordon Royal [Robert] -- (Outlands) | 2017-04-29 |
Fallen Snow -- (the Outlands) | 2018-03-10 |
Cordon Royal [Bela VI] -- (Outlands) | 2018-11-10 |
Queen's Cypher [Martine] -- (Outlands) | 2019-11-09 |
Cordon Royal [Béla VII] -- (Outlands) | 2021-08-21 |
Elizabeth Anne Grene (Fontaine dans Sable) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- Outlands | 2016-09-24 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2012-04-07 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2023-09-02 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2011-09-03 |
Baroness of the Court -- Outlands | 2012-04-07 |
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands) | 2018-01-20 |
Keepers of the Waters of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2009-09-05 |
Palma Aurea of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2012-08-30 |
Guardian of the Oasis of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2014-07-05 |
Award of Arms | 2009-05-24 |
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- Fontaine dans Sable 9/5/09 - 4/7/12 | 2012-04-07 |
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2013-07-06 |
Daffodil of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2014-01-18 |
Augmentation of Arms | 2015-09-05 |
Queen's Cypher [Kathryn III] -- (Outlands) | 2015-10-03 |
Winged Pheon of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2017-01-14 |
Queen's Cypher [Anna] -- (Outlands) | 2018-05-05 |
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2019-08-31 |
Baron's Thistle of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2023-04-23 |
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2023-04-23 |
Artisans of Fontaine dans Sable -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2023-09-03 |
Knut Eldfimr (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- Outlands | 2016-10-01 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 1996-02-03 |
Grant of Arms | 1997-04-05 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 1994-05-15 |
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS) | 1997-04-05 |
Scales of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 1985-01-05 |
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2013-11-16 |
Award of Arms | 1984-07-07 |
Gentle Dragon -- (Dragonsspine) | 1986-02-08 |
Guardians of the Golden Flame -- (Dragonsspine) | 2008-02-02 |
Baron's Chalice of Merit -- (Dragonsspine) | 2009-01-31 |
Treasured Jewels of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2009-07-25 |
Simon Montgumery (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- East | 2016-10-01 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2004-11-13 |
Gauntlet of Caid -- (Caid) | 2010-07-24 |
Tygers Combattant -- (East) | 2016-06-10 |
White Scarf of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2024-05-25 |
Duellist -- (Caid) | 1997-09-27 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2003-04-12 |
Crescent Sword -- (Caid) | 2008-10-11 |
Baron of the Court -- Caid | 2010-07-24 |
Trefoil -- (the Outlands) | 2004-03-13 |
Hammer of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2017-12-16 |
Award of Arms | 1990-03-17 |
Tower of Dun Or -- (Caid) | 1996-10-12 |
Popular Company of Sojourners -- (Drachenwald) | 2000-11-01 |
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2006-09-23 |
Desert Bloom -- (Caid) | 2008-03-02 |
Corde de Guerre of Caid -- (Caid) | 2009-09-05 |
Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2018-09-22 |
Faolan MacEwan Taver (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Outlands | 2016-10-15 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 2012-01-07 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2011-09-04 |
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2015-05-24 |
Award of Arms | 2011-05-14 |
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen) | 2016-03-08 |
Tatiana Bonnioulx (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Defense -- Outlands | 2016-10-15 |
White Scarf of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2005-09-03 |
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands) | 2003-04-26 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2014-07-03 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 1998-08-01 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2006-09-02 |
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2012-09-29 |
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2017-10-15 |
Award of Arms | 1998-04-18 |
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen) | 2014-07-01 |
Book and Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2015-12-12 |
Kaleriia Andronikova (Windkeep) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Outlands | 2016-10-22 |
Iron Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2004-01-24 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2012-11-10 |
Grant of Arms | 2009-12-05 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 1996-09-28 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 1997-02-15 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2002-12-07 |
Baroness of the Court -- Outlands | 2009-12-05 |
Trefoil -- (the Outlands) | 1993-07-03 |
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 1996-10-05 |
Award of Arms | 1991-05-04 |
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands) | 2005-02-19 |
Cordon Royal [Bela III] -- (Outlands) | 2010-04-24 |
Salt Bearer of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 2017-10-07 |
Bianca de Vittoria (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- Outlands | 2016-12-17 |
Iris of Merit -- (Ansteorra) | 2004-12-04 |
Star of Merit -- (Ansteorra) | 2009-04-04 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2011-12-17 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2014-05-24 |
Grant of Arms | 2009-12-05 |
Sable Thistle -- (Ansteorra) | 2001-12-08 |
Sable Crane -- (Ansteorra) | 2008-05-31 |
Baroness of the Court -- Ansteorra | 2009-12-05 |
Lanternarius of Wiesenfeuer -- (Ansteorra) | 2006-09-09 |
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2012-05-26 |
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2015-12-19 |
Award of Arms | 1994-05-28 |
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- al-Barran (9/24/16-7/27/19) | 2019-07-27 |
Flint and Steel of Wiesenfeuer -- (Ansteorra) | 1994-12-31 |
Golden Star of Ansteorra -- (Ansteorra) | 2010-05-15 |
Avram syn Osvetoslavl’ (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- Outlands | 2017-01-07 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2012-01-07 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2013-03-23 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2008-01-05 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2010-07-04 |
Baron of the Court -- Outlands | 2016-10-15 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2009-01-03 |
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2010-09-04 |
Scales of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2011-05-28 |
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2011-10-29 |
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 2013-10-26 |
Queen's Cypher [Anna II] -- (Outlands) | 2011-10-15 |
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2013-08-03 |
Cordon Royal [Boleslav III] -- (Outlands) | 2013-11-09 |
Queen's Cypher [Kathryn III] -- (Outlands) | 2015-10-10 |
Omar ibn Haroun al-Askari al-Rumi (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Caid | 2017-01-07 |
Gauntlet of Caid -- (Caid) | 2016-09-03 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 2007-09-08 |
Ash Leaf -- (West) | 2015-03-07 |
Crescent Sword -- (Caid) | 2016-07-07 |
Baron of the Court -- West | 2022-08-11 |
Dragon's Claw of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2007-03-31 |
Scales of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2007-07-28 |
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2009-01-31 |
Silver Thunderbolt of Mons Tonitrus -- (Atenveldt) | 2023-08-26 |
Award of Arms | 2007-02-03 |
Queen's Cypher [Slaine] -- (Outlands) | 2008-04-12 |
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2010-02-13 |
Vane -- (Caid) | 2016-04-30 |
Guardians of the Saguaro -- (Atenveldt) | 2022-12-17 |
King's Sigil [] -- (Atenveldt) | 2023-11-11 |
Bai Wei Long (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Outlands | 2017-02-25 |
Iron Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2015-05-10 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 2013-02-17 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2013-01-05 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2014-05-24 |
Award of Arms | 1999-08-18 |
Dreamer's Cup -- (Caerthe) | 2015-01-03 |
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2016-10-15 |
Prince's Token [] -- (West) | 2018-01-27 |
Coronet's Smile -- (Caerthe) | 2023-01-07 |
Finn Ua Briain (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Outlands | 2017-02-25 |
Iron Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2016-05-14 |
Argent Fleece -- (the Outlands) | 2019-07-13 |
White Scarf of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2019-12-07 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 2014-07-05 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2015-06-20 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2017-12-09 |
Baron of the Court -- Outlands | 2018-12-08 |
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands) | 2019-04-27 |
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2013-06-22 |
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2015-01-24 |
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2018-12-08 |
Award of Arms | 2012-09-29 |
Territorial Baron - Retired -- Caer Galen (12/10/16-12/10/18) | 2018-12-08 |
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen) | 2013-07-02 |
Queen's Cypher [Ingriðr] -- (Outlands) | 2015-05-09 |
Monkey of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2016-07-09 |
Queen's Cypher [Danielle] -- (Outlands) | 2016-11-05 |
Cordon Royal [Kolgrimr] -- (Outlands) | 2016-11-05 |
Cordon Royal [Iohann] -- (Outlands) | 2019-11-09 |
Book and Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2021-12-04 |
Isabella di Francesco Ambrosini (Fontaine dans Sable) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- Outlands | 2017-03-11 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2010-01-09 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2006-11-18 |
Baroness of the Court -- Outlands | 2023-04-23 |
Palma Aurea of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2006-04-01 |
Keepers of the Waters of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2009-09-06 |
Award of Arms | 2006-01-21 |
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- Fontaine dans Sable (08/31/19-04/23/23) | 2023-04-23 |
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2007-01-20 |
Queen's Cypher [Salomea] -- (Outlands) | 2009-05-09 |
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2011-04-09 |
Queen's Cypher [Cecilia] -- (Outlands) | 2014-11-08 |
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2019-08-31 |
Celestina Santi (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- Outlands | 2017-04-08 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2012-05-26 |
Sharparrow -- (the Outlands) | 2015-09-03 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2010-10-23 |
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands) | 2011-01-08 |
Baroness of the Court -- Outlands | 2016-02-06 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2009-01-03 |
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2009-01-03 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2010-09-04 |
Award of Arms | 2006-10-21 |
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- Caerthe - 08/03/13-02/06/16 | 2016-02-06 |
Popular Company of Sojourners -- (Drachenwald) | 2011-08-19 |
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2013-01-05 |
Queen's Cypher [] -- (Outlands) | 2022-01-15 |
Wolfgang Sebastian Kolhammer (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Defense -- Outlands | 2017-04-08 |
White Scarf of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 1995-05-13 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2019-07-12 |
Grant of Arms | 1998-04-25 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 1998-04-11 |
Espada de Oro of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 1998-09-19 |
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2016-07-09 |
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2019-12-07 |
Award of Arms | 1994-11-20 |
Queen's Cypher [Danielle] -- (Outlands) | 2016-11-05 |
Book and Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2017-12-09 |
Poignard Noir of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2018-06-30 |
World Gilders -- (Caer Galen) | 2024-06-01 |
Arcadia of Medina (Scola Metallorum) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- Outlands | 2017-04-22 |
White Scarf of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2004-01-03 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2016-10-15 |
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands) | 2001-06-30 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2005-09-03 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2015-08-15 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2001-11-03 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2003-10-18 |
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2013-01-05 |
Award of Arms | 1998-04-18 |
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2006-01-07 |
Queen's Cypher [Drahomira] -- (Outlands) | 2012-10-20 |
Keystone of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2020-01-05 |
Ceridwen de Gyrlyngton (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- Outlands | 2017-04-22 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2008-04-12 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2010-12-18 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2005-12-17 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2009-02-15 |
Baroness of the Court -- Outlands | 2016-12-17 |
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2006-05-28 |
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2009-04-04 |
Award of Arms | 2004-04-03 |
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable) | 2006-06-26 |
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2008-12-20 |
Queen's Cypher [Cecilia] -- (Outlands) | 2014-11-08 |
Logan of Logan (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Defense -- Outlands | 2017-04-22 |
White Scarf of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2009-07-04 |
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands) | 2005-01-08 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2007-01-06 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2009-02-15 |
Award of Arms | 2002-01-05 |
Queen's Cypher [Sabine] -- (Outlands) | 2009-11-14 |
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2010-04-17 |
Elena Isabella de Glastonbury (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Defense -- Outlands | 2017-05-06 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2012-02-11 |
White Scarf of the Outlands -- (the Outlands) | 2013-08-31 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2014-06-07 |
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands) | 2008-12-05 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2010-01-30 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2014-01-04 |
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 2008-06-22 |
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 2008-12-05 |
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2013-04-27 |
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen) | 2013-06-22 |
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2013-10-12 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2016-05-18 |
Dragon's Grace of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2018-06-09 |
Award of Arms | 2004-07-04 |
Salt Bearer of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 2006-07-02 |
Skipping Stone of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 2012-04-14 |
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen) | 2014-11-01 |
Baron's Chalice of Merit -- (Dragonsspine) | 2019-01-26 |
Guardians of the Golden Flame -- (Dragonsspine) | 2022-02-26 |
Jasper Sleecht (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- Outlands | 2017-05-06 |
Cross of Calontir -- (Calontir) | 2009-09-26 |
Stag -- (the Outlands) | 2015-05-09 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2016-02-06 |
Torse -- (Calontir) | 2005-06-19 |
Golden Calon Swan -- (Calontir) | 2008-05-03 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2014-10-25 |
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2013-10-12 |
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2014-08-31 |
Award of Arms | 2005-02-05 |
Queen's Endorsement of Distinction [] -- (Calontir) | 2006-09-09 |
Noble's Gratitude of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen) | 2015-01-03 |
Queen's Cypher [Magge] -- (Outlands) | 2017-04-29 |
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- (Caerthe) | 2021-08-21 |
Asenath de Winter (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- Outlands | 2017-08-12 |
Flower -- (the Outlands) | 2015-03-08 |
Harp Argent -- (Caid) | 2005-05-15 |
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2013-04-13 |
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands) | 2019-01-26 |
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2011-01-29 |
Scales of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2017-01-28 |
Award of Arms | 1997-08-02 |
Sable Fret of Altavia -- (Caid) | 2004-12-11 |
Argent Fret of Altavia -- (Caid) | 2006-04-29 |
Gentle Dragon -- (Dragonsspine) | 2010-07-30 |
Baroness' Degree of Elegance -- (Dragonsspine) | 2014-08-02 |
Treasured Jewels of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine) | 2024-02-24 |
Mathias MacCooel (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Atenveldt | 2017-08-26 |
Baron of the Court -- Atenveldt | 2011-05-07 |
Beacon of the Desert -- (Atenveldt) | 2013-07-20 |
Beacon of the Desert -- (Atenveldt) | 2014-03-02 |
Blood of Fenris -- (Atenveldt) | 2014-05-03 |
Star of the Desert -- (Atenveldt) | 2014-07-19 |
Crimson Mace of Twin Moons -- (Atenveldt) | 2017-06-10 |
Award of Arms | 2010-05-22 |
King's Sigil [] -- (Atenveldt) | 2011-05-07 |
King's Sigil [] -- (Atenveldt) | 2014-05-03 |
Queen's Cypher of Atenveldt [] -- (Atenveldt) | 2014-05-03 |
King's Sigil [] -- (Atenveldt) | 2017-11-04 |
Decimus Modius Varro (Drygestan) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- Outlands | 2017-09-03 |
Iron Hart -- (the Outlands) | 2015-02-27 |
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands) | 2013-03-01 |
Hammer of al-Barran -- (al-Barran) | 2013-12-21 |
Trefoil -- (the Outlands) | 2013-12-22 |
Award of Arms | 2011-11-20 |
Fallen Snow -- (the Outlands) | 2012-10-13 |