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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Outlands Order of Precedence

Kata (of Fontaine) (Fontaine dans Sable)
Award of Arms2016-06-04

Kalala bint Judah (Dragonsspine)
Award of Arms2016-06-05

Batlyn Teazle (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2016-07-09
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2016-08-02
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2022-12-10

Robert the Bone Setter (Caer Galen)
Award of Arms2016-07-09
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2015-10-06

Dagun of Rio de las Animas (Rio de las Animas) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2016-07-23

Enok the Red (Aarquelle)
Award of Arms2016-07-23
Mace of Aarquelle -- (Aarquelle)2019-01-19

Baldewin von Ruppin (Nahrun Kabirun) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2016-08-06

Catherine Stowe (Nahrun Kabirun) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2016-08-06

Friderich von Aigle (Nahrun Kabirun) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2016-08-06

Hugh Fletcher (Windkeep) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2016-08-21

Krijger De Zwartijzer (al-Barran)
Award of Arms2016-09-24
Seeker of the Grail -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)2015-06-20

Xavier (of al-Barran) (al-Barran)
Award of Arms2016-09-24

Sara Boone (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2016-10-01

Istvan (of Cearthe) (Caerthe)
Award of Arms2016-10-15

Tammy (of Aarquelle) (Aarquelle)
Award of Arms2016-11-05

Iuliana (of Windkeep) (Windkeep)
Award of Arms2016-12-03
Promise of the Outlands -- (the Outlands)2011-09-17

Ivan Mavrikiisson (Windkeep)
Award of Arms2016-12-03
Promise of the Outlands -- (the Outlands)2009-12-05

Grimm Gunvald (Aarquelle)
Award of Arms2017-01-14
Mace of Aarquelle -- (Aarquelle)2017-09-30

Ivar Hammerson (Fontaine dans Sable)
Award of Arms2017-01-14
Houre Glass of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2017-01-14

Ardashir (of Drygestan) (Plattefordham)
Award of Arms2017-01-21

Ayesha bint Da'ud ibn Da'ud al-Kabir (Citadel of the Southern Pass) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2017-01-21

Ruvka bat Sara (Nahrun Kabirun)
Award of Arms2017-01-21

Stella di Rosso Santi (Citadel of the Southern Pass) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2017-01-21

Swimmer of Drygestan (Drygestan)
Award of Arms2017-01-21

Zana Winddancer (Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Award of Arms2017-01-21
Praeceptor Australis -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)2018-01-06