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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Outlands Order of Precedence

DiLarah (of Hinterland) (Hinterland)
Award of Arms2000-09-23

Letiticia (of Hinterland) (Hinterland)
Award of Arms2000-09-23

Vince McIntire (St. Golias)
Award of Arms2000-10-14

Cormack the Wanderer (Fontaine dans Sable)
Award of Arms2000-10-21

Caron Caleb (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2000-10-28
Queen's Personal Recognition of Caid [] -- (Caid)2001-05-12

Cadan (of Caerthe) (Caerthe)
Award of Arms2000-11-04

Alasdair MacArthur (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2000-12-16

Miriam of Tygre's Keep (Dragonsspine)
Award of Arms2001-02-03

Madox the Pict (Caerthe)
Award of Arms2001-04-07

David ap Llywelyn ap Gwyn (Scola Metallorum)
Award of Arms2001-04-14

Lyse Marousch d'Rhys (Windkeep)
Award of Arms2001-05-19
Empty Shell -- (West)2003-06-30

Ondrea di Sienna (Dragonsspine)
Award of Arms2001-05-25

Phillip di Sienna (Dragonsspine)
Award of Arms2001-05-25
Promise of the Outlands -- (the Outlands)1999-08-28
Pride of Dragonsspine -- (Dragonsspine)2000-11-19

Juliana (of al-Barran) (al-Barran)
Award of Arms2001-05-26

Sybylle of al-Barran (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2001-05-26

Cameron McDuff von Lyon (al-Barran)
Award of Arms2001-05-27

Phoenix Wolfsden (al-Barran)
Award of Arms2001-05-27

Sabina le Grey (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2001-06-23
Queen's Cypher of the West [] -- (West)2002-01-05
Princess\' Token of Cynagua -- (West)2002-07-13

Douglas McCain (Caerthe)
Award of Arms2001-09-08

Danyelle Elainne Aurore DeLyon (Unser Hafen)
Award of Arms2001-11-30

Brena de Marsh Railey (al-Barran)
Award of Arms2001-12-15

Morgan Railey (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2001-12-15

ArnthornR (of Caerthe) (Caerthe)
Award of Arms2002-01-05

Gervais le marinier de Narbonne (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms2002-01-05

Isabel (of Caerthe) (Caerthe)
Award of Arms2002-01-05