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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Outlands Order of Precedence

Dunstan of the Red Spear (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1992-01-04

Batu the Lion Crusher (al-Barran)
Award of Arms1992-04-11

Dorthea von Lehman (Unser Hafen)
Award of Arms1992-04-25

Dona Av Skarsten (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1992-05-02

Heather of Newcastle (Dragonsspine)
Award of Arms1992-06-13

Torlough MacTormagh (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1992-12-12

Paul von der Holzstaub (Unser Hafen)
Award of Arms1993-01-02

Sorel the Armourer (Nahrun Kabirun)
Award of Arms1993-02-13

Ona Eriukas Gelezinis (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1993-02-14

Vaisvilkas Lietuvos (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1993-02-14

Yasima bint-ish-Chyll al-Shiraz (al-Barran)
Award of Arms1993-04-03
Queen's Cypher [Vanna] -- (Outlands)2001-04-28
Queen's Grace [Caoilfhionn] -- (Outlands)2006-05-13

Nicolette d'Avranches (Caerthe)
Award of Arms1993-04-10

Arak of Orndal (Windkeep)
Award of Arms1993-05-01

Fulk Fulkersson (Fontaine dans Sable) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1993-07-24

Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1993-08-14

Alva Uhl (Caerthe)
Award of Arms1993-09-04

Mikel (of Caerthe) (Caerthe)
Award of Arms1993-09-04

Walker of Wolves (al-Barran)
Award of Arms1993-09-11

Cormac MacLean (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1993-09-25

Peter Tarquinious Dryden (Caerthe)
Award of Arms1994-01-08

Ana Paloma Aladern (Citadel of the Southern Pass) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1994-01-15

Erch Rydderch (Hinterland)
Award of Arms1994-08-27

Sarolta of Sarkel (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1994-08-27

Valérie la Rousse (White Mountain) -- Name And Device Registered
Award of Arms1994-12-10

Eilis Bledsoe (al-Barran)
Award of Arms1994-12-17
Promise of the Outlands -- (the Outlands)1991-03-16