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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Outlands Order of Precedence

Fiachra ni Ciardhubhain (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (WEST)1990-12-15
Leaf of Merit -- (West)1990-01-06
Baroness of the Court -- (WEST)1990-08-25
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1993-09-04
Award of Arms1989-04-15
Palatine Baroness - Retired -- (West)1989-08-06
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- CAERTHE 4-14-1996 to 1-8-2000 1996-04-14
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands -- (the Outlands)1993-05-01
Cordon Royal [Hrothgar] -- (Outlands)1995-11-11
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05

Signy von Velden (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (OUTLANDS)1991-03-17
Laurel -- Outlands2016-02-06
Flower -- (the Outlands)2012-10-20
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1989-04-01
Baroness of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1993-10-09
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2008-04-05
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2008-07-05
Astrum Australis of the Citadel -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)1988-03-19
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2007-10-20
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2008-12-13
Award of Arms1984-07-14
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- CITADEL 4/13/1991 - 10/9/19931991-04-13
Queen's Cypher [Jeanne I] -- (Outlands)1992-05-02
Augmentation of Arms1994-04-02
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2006-02-04
Poignard Noir of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2006-08-19
Monkey of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2009-05-20
Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2011-05-07
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2014-08-29
Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2017-07-29
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2018-11-06

Gareth of Gryphon\'s Nest (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- (OUTLANDS)1991-03-30
Stag -- (the Outlands)2012-10-20
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1989-01-28
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1993-10-09
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2010-12-11
Stag and Chalice -- (the Outlands)2012-12-15
Calyx Honoris of the Citadel -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)1988-08-06
Thermopylae of the Citadel -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)1989-08-26
Astrum Australis of the Citadel -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)1994-01-15
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2007-11-17
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2010-05-01
Award of Arms1987-10-31
Territorial Baron - Retired -- CITADEL 4/13/1991 - 10/9/19931991-04-13
Walker of the Way -- (the Outlands)1993-04-03
Book and Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2004-12-11
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2007-12-08
Poignard Noir of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2008-07-26
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2009-03-21
Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2011-05-07
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05
Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2017-07-29

Gregor von Münchhausen (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- (OUTLANDS)1991-05-26
Grant of Arms2009-06-27
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1988-12-10
Baron of the Court -- Outlands2009-06-27
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1992-12-12
Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2002-05-25
Hammer of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2015-03-03
Award of Arms1985-12-14
Territorial Baron - Retired -- al-Barron 7/8/2006-6/27/20092009-06-27
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2002-07-13
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2003-12-13
Knights Pensioners of the Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2015-08-15
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05
Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2022-03-26

Demetrios ho Bibliophilos (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1991-06-29
Grant of Arms1989-10-07
Silver Oak -- (Middle)1988-03-19
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1992-03-07
Flaming Brand -- (Middle)1986-02-02
Gentle Dragon -- (Dragonsspine)1993-07-31

Genevre la Tisserande (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1991-10-26
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1990-04-28
Baroness of the Court -- Outlands2006-12-16
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1991-05-26
Award of Arms1987-04-19
Queen's Cypher [Tara] -- (Outlands)1987-11-07
Queen's Cypher [Aziza IV] -- (Outlands)2007-05-12

Titus Claudius Severus (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- (OUTLANDS)1992-10-04
Flower -- (the Outlands)2000-12-01
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1989-10-08
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1994-01-29
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1997-07-19
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1990-06-16
Golden Columbine of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1990-10-06
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1991-07-13
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1997-11-02
Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1998-02-27
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2000-01-08
Award of Arms1987-05-09
Territorial Baron - Retired -- UNSER HAFEN 7/30/1994 - 7/19/19971997-07-19
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)1998-03-21
Corona Graminea of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2006-02-18
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05
Iron Rivet of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2021-09-04

Lorin the Lecher (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- (OUTLANDS)1992-11-07
Grant of Arms1999-09-18
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1989-05-27
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1999-09-18
Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1988-12-10
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1989-12-16
Award of Arms1985-12-14
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)1998-10-24
Cordon Royal [Hrothger II] -- (Outlands)1998-11-14

Sarah de Montgomerie (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1992-12-12
Stag -- (the Outlands)1998-12-19
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1992-10-04
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1995-12-16
Baroness of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1996-04-20
Dragon's Tooth -- (Middle)2003-08-11
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)1992-03-07
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2004-05-29
Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2006-07-08
Award of Arms1991-05-04
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- AL-BARRAN2000-05-27
Queen's Cypher [Aziza II] -- (Outlands)1994-11-05
Walker of the Way -- (the Outlands)2000-05-27
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2000-09-17
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2006-03-18
Cordon Royal [Béla IV] -- (Outlands)2011-11-05
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05

Sylvanus the Drummer (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1993-10-02
Grant of Arms2002-02-16
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1989-09-16
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)2002-02-16
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1987-01-03
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1990-11-17
Award of Arms1984-10-20

Bjarni Kenhelm (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- (OUTLANDS)1993-11-06
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1991-12-21
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1993-02-13
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1996-05-26
Award of Arms1990-04-21
Queen's Cypher [Jeanne I] -- (Outlands)1992-05-02
Cordon Royal [Olaf II] -- (Outlands)1993-05-01
Cordon Royal [Vagn] -- (Outlands)1995-05-13

Christof Gately (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- (OUTLANDS)1994-02-18
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1992-12-12
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1996-05-11
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)1992-03-07
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1997-04-19
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1997-06-28
Award of Arms1991-09-14
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1993-07-10
Queen's Cypher [Elisheva] -- (Outlands)1993-11-06

Lambert de Sur (Dragonsspine) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (OUTLANDS)1994-02-19
Grant of Arms1992-09-05
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1989-02-18
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1991-04-20
Baronial Label of the Western Seas -- (Caid)1986-08-23
Award of Arms1983-10-01
Palatine Baron - Retired -- (West)1986-02-15
Territorial Baron - Retired -- DRAGONSSPINE 10/1989 - 9/19911991-05-05
Gentle Dragon -- (Dragonsspine)1989-02-04
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05

Deotrich Hiltipard (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
KSCA -- (CALONTIR)1994-02-26
Pelican -- (OUTLANDS)1998-05-09
Laurel -- Outlands2008-04-19
Iren Hirth -- (Calontir)1992-01-04
Cross of Calontir -- (Calontir)1992-06-08
Iron Hart -- (the Outlands)1999-05-08
Torse -- (Calontir)1985-09-21
Leather Mallet -- (Calontir)1986-05-17
Iren Fyrd -- (Calontir)1989-07-01
Golden Calon Swan -- (Calontir)1992-07-18
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)2004-10-09
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1996-07-20
Golden Columbine of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1997-08-02
Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2000-07-02
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2005-07-02
Award of Arms1985-01-05
Territorial Baron - Retired -- UNSER HAFEN 1/26/2002- 10/9/20042004-10-09
King's Favor [] -- (Calontir)1992-03-07
Corona Graminea of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1996-02-17
Cordon Royal [Irel II] -- (Outlands)1996-11-09
Walker of the Way -- (the Outlands)1997-05-03
Salt Bearer of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2008-10-18
Corona Graminea of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2009-02-14
Stonemason of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2009-03-21
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2014-07-05
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05
Iron Rivet of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2016-09-03
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands -- (the Outlands)2016-10-22
Poignard Noir of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2016-12-06

Iric Iulian of Black Elk (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (OUTLANDS)1994-05-07
Grant of Arms1987-10-03
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1991-09-01
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1982-01-09
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1988-03-26
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1997-05-24
Award of Arms1979-07-28
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1993-05-28

Aidan Cocrinn (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (CALONTIR)1994-06-18
Calon Lily -- (Calontir)1990-09-15
Golden Calon Swan -- (Calontir)1987-12-12
Torse -- (Calontir)1988-12-01
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1998-08-01
Award of Arms1986-08-09

Aurora Ashland of Woolhaven (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (ATENVELDT)1994-07-29
Light of Atenveldt -- (Atenveldt)1993-10-02
Pillar of Artemesia* -- (Atenveldt)1993-04-03
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1998-01-03
Award of Arms1992-06-27

Rashiqah Amatulbarri bint Azhar al-Kahirawayyiah (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1994-08-28
Grant of Arms2003-07-05
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1991-03-02
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1999-01-23
Baroness of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)2002-01-26
Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1992-03-14
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1993-03-13
Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)1995-03-11
Golden Columbine of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2002-01-26
Award of Arms1989-03-11
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- UNSER HAFEN 10/30/1999-1/26/20022002-01-26
Augmentation of Arms2015-09-05

Francesca di Pavia (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (OUTLANDS)1994-10-02
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1998-04-18
Flower -- (the Outlands)1997-06-28
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1991-01-05
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1995-12-09
Baroness of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)2001-04-14
Aspen of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)1991-01-06
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)1991-07-27
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2006-10-21
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2009-12-12
Award of Arms1989-09-16
Queen's Cypher [Mikhailina] -- (Outlands)1997-10-25
Augmentation of Arms1998-05-09
Walker of the Way -- (the Outlands)2004-08-07
Cordon Royal [Giovanni] -- (Outlands)2004-11-06
Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2004-12-11
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2005-12-10
Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2010-10-30

Rowen of Staffin (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (ATENVELDT)1994-10-08
Stag -- (the Outlands)2004-04-17
Fleur de Soleil -- (Atenveldt)1991-11-02
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2003-09-20
Esprit de Soleil* -- (Atenveldt)1990-09-29
Keeper of the Solar Heart* -- (Atenveldt)1993-05-08
Purple Clarion -- (Atenveldt)1991-04-24
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)2002-09-27
Award of Arms1990-06-26
Book and Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2003-12-13

Richenza le Wydu (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1994-11-05
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1993-03-06
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2004-07-10
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)1991-12-21
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2005-05-28
Award of Arms1991-03-29

Louis-Philippe Mitouard (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (OUTLANDS)1995-02-04
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1999-10-30
Flower -- (the Outlands)1997-09-27
Grant of Arms1991-05-04
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1992-10-03
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1996-10-12
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)2001-04-14
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2004-10-30
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2006-02-04
Award of Arms1980-10-04
Queen's Cypher [Eleanor II] -- (Outlands)2001-10-13
Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2003-12-13
Queen's Cypher [Cainnleach II] -- (Outlands)2004-10-09
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2005-12-10
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2008-12-13

Tomas Tearlach Fraser (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1995-03-11
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1995-02-19
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1994-09-17
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2001-02-17
Award of Arms1991-03-16

Rhys Afalwin (Windkeep) -- Name And Device Registered
Pelican -- (OUTLANDS)1995-04-08
KSCA -- (OUTLANDS2000-09-10
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)2004-08-07
Flower -- (the Outlands)1999-08-14
Iron Hart -- (the Outlands)2012-06-09
Courage -- (the Outlands)2019-11-09
Grant of Arms1992-12-05
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands)1991-02-17
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1991-10-05
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1997-11-08
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)1998-05-09
Baron of the Court -- (OUTLANDS)1998-12-05
Stag and Chalice -- (the Outlands)2012-10-20
Doe & Mountain -- (the Outlands)2016-12-03
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2023-12-02
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)2009-12-05
Award of Arms1990-11-24
Queen's Cypher [Aindrea] -- (Outlands)2000-05-13
Augmentation of Arms2002-03-09
Queen's Grace [Chiara] -- (Outlands)2004-04-17
Queen's Grace [Chiara] -- (Outlands)2004-05-08
Walker of the Way -- (the Outlands)2005-09-10
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2007-09-08
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2022-12-10
Knights Pensioners of the Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2024-03-02

Celine Jeanne de Hermain (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Laurel -- (OUTLANDS)1995-05-13
Maunche -- (East)1989-04-15
Flower -- (the Outlands)2000-12-16
Stag -- (the Outlands)2002-03-09
Harp Argent -- (Caid)1989-01-14
Baroness of the Court -- (CAID)1992-01-11
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)1993-03-06
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)1996-09-21
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)1993-03-20
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2001-04-21
Award of Arms1985-06-01
Royal Recognition of Excellence of Caid -- (Caid)1991-02-02
Signum Reginae of Caid -- (Caid)1991-06-01
Signum Reginae of Caid -- (Caid)1992-11-07
Cordon Royal [Caesan] -- (Outlands)2001-04-21