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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Outlands Order of Precedence

Dairenn of Galway (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands)2013-01-05
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2013-04-27
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2013-11-17

Lui Yan Ming (Caer Galen)
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2013-03-01
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2011-07-23
Award of Arms2007-12-08

Radu du Cer (Windkeep)
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2013-03-02
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)2011-12-03
Award of Arms2010-12-04

William de Kingsley (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands)2013-03-09
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2013-05-25

Alexander ben Avram (Caerthe) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2013-03-23
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- (Caerthe)2013-03-23
Award of Arms2011-10-01
Green Tree (Page or Maid) -- (Caerthe)2010-01-02

Isabelle Marie de Fontevrault (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2013-03-23
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2010-10-23
Award of Arms1999-03-27
Swan and Cygnet -- (Atlantia)1999-03-27
Saint Roch -- (Atlantia)2000-03-25

Tiah McMaiough (Hinterland)
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2013-05-11
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)2000-09-23
Award of Arms1999-09-25

Seperath de Sepultura (Fontaine dans Sable)
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2013-05-25
Guardian of the Oasis of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2013-01-19
Award of Arms2011-11-12
Promise of the Outlands -- (the Outlands)2002-08-31
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2014-11-01
Baron's Thistle of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2014-11-01
Silver Axe of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2015-04-11

Meinhard von Nordhusen (Citadel of the Southern Pass) -- Name And Device Registered
Leaf of Merit -- (West)2013-05-26
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2014-07-12
Award of Arms2012-07-14
Defender of the West -- (West)2012-10-05

Quintin d\'Acre (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2013-07-06
Hammer of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2012-10-06
Award of Arms2011-11-19
Fallen Snow -- (the Outlands)2015-05-23
Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2015-05-24

Cecilia Juetta (Unser Hafen) -- Name And Device Registered
Silver Stirrup -- (the Outlands)2013-09-14
Epona of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2013-05-26
Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2015-05-24
Award of Arms2008-12-05
Iron Rivet of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2024-08-31

Kenton Drake (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2013-11-13
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2013-09-03
Award of Arms2012-12-15

Lucas Cade (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2013-12-21
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2010-07-04
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2011-11-19
Award of Arms2009-12-19
Cordon Royal [Walrick] -- (Outlands)2014-11-08

Shahida al-Fustatiyya (al-Barran) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2013-12-21
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2010-09-11
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2011-09-24
Award of Arms2009-12-19
Queen's Cypher [Ingriðr] -- (Outlands)2015-05-09

Cornelius FitzReynald (al-Barran)
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2014-03-01
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2010-05-29
Scorpion of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2011-05-28
Hammer of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2012-10-06
Award of Arms2006-12-16
Silver Dagger of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2012-05-26

Eric Litefoote of Studley (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2014-03-01
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2012-09-02
Award of Arms2011-10-01
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2012-12-04
Monkey of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2012-12-15
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2015-05-24

Stigr Robertsson (Caer Galen) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2014-03-01
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2015-12-12
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2011-12-10
Golden Ring of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2017-10-07
Award of Arms2011-12-10
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2012-07-06
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2017-12-09
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2018-11-06
Venerable Guard -- (the Outlands)2018-12-08
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2021-12-04
Noble's Gratitude of Unser Hafen -- (Unser Hafen)2022-10-29
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2022-12-10
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2023-12-16

Veroniqua d’Avignon (Fontaine dans Sable) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2014-03-08
Palma Aurea of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2010-09-03
Keepers of the Waters of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2012-01-28
Guardian of the Oasis of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2013-01-19
Palma Aurea of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2014-11-01
Award of Arms2009-09-05
Mermaid's Grace of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2014-01-18

Elspeth Moneypenny (Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Sable Crane -- (Ansteorra)2014-05-03
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2024-10-05
Award of Arms2001-05-05
Golden Bridle of Ansteorra -- (Ansteorra)2002-10-12

Praxis Kephalou (Fontaine dans Sable) -- Name And Device Registered
Stag's Blood -- (the Outlands)2014-05-10
Guardian of the Oasis of Fontaine -- (Fontaine dans Sable)2013-07-06
Award of Arms2003-08-30

Thorunn Grimsdottir (Caer Galen)
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2014-07-03
Arch of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2010-06-12
Award of Arms2009-12-05
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2007-12-08
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2014-05-06
Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2015-12-12

Timothy MacGregor (Caer Galen)
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2014-07-05
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2014-02-28
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2014-03-04
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2015-05-24

Vyncent (of Caer Galen) (Caer Galen)
Golden Pheon -- (the Outlands)2014-07-05
Silver Tyne -- (the Outlands)2015-09-05
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- (Caer Galen)2013-11-15
Award of Arms2012-09-29
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2018-10-02
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- (Caer Galen)2019-12-07

Dawn Schadue (Nahrun Kabirun) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2014-07-12
Stag's Heart -- (the Outlands)2016-03-12
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)2015-03-28
Flos Australis of the Citadel -- (Citadel of the Southern Pass)2015-06-20
Award of Arms2013-11-09

Emmelina van Westenberg (Drygestan) -- Name And Device Registered
Argent Hart -- (the Outlands)2014-07-19
Watch Fire of al-Barran -- (al-Barran)2014-12-20
Trefoil -- (the Outlands)2015-07-04
Award of Arms2011-12-17
Queen's Cypher [Gilliana] -- (Outlands)2012-05-12