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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Drahomira von Augsburg (Caerthe)
Name And Device Registered
[Purpure, a unicorn argent crined and queued and on a chief embattled Or two fleurs-de-lys purpure.]
Purpure, a unicorn argent crined and queued and on a chief embattled Or two fleurs-de-lys purpure.

Countess -- Outlands2012-11-10
Stag -- the Outlands 2008-07-05
Golden Pheon -- the Outlands 2005-09-03
Aspen of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)2003-12-19
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)2006-04-22
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)2012-01-07
Award of Arms 2002-08-24
Golden Feather of Mag Mor -- Calontir 2006-10-21
Queen's Cypher [Astriðr] -- (Outlands)2008-09-13
Lady of the Rose (Outlands)2012-11-10
Queen's Cypher [Astriðr III] -- (Outlands)2013-11-09