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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Scroll of Honour (SOH)

The stylization of members of this order is Bearer of the Scroll of Honour of Ealdormere.

Notes on this order:

Sort: alpha | date

Annikki Kilinnen 2002-05-18
Asad Ud-Din 2000-08-16
Bohémond le Sinistre 2000-08-16
Caer Elevatha y Draighen 2000-08-16
Claudia Lisabetta Senatori da Firenze 2000-08-16
Elenfëa of Starwood 2000-08-15
Irel Krist of Starre Inn 2000-08-16
Josette Claudin Duran 2000-08-16
László Rózsa 2000-08-16
Mardanah al-Hindiyyah 2000-08-16
Martino Michele Veneri 2000-08-16
Rhieinwylydd Cyfeiliog 2000-08-16
Timur ibn Junaid 2000-08-16