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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Queen's Grace of Atenveldt (QGA)

The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Queen's Grace of Atenveldt.

Notes on this order:

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Dafydd the Silvertongue of Deverell 1976-12-18
Koris Natterhelm 1977-08-13
Rodema de Rohan 1977-08-13
Theo of Mightrinwood 1977-08-13
Theodric ap Breken Beaken 1977-08-13
Anne Gaverel d'Avesor 1977-12-17
Kaitlin Caslean an Bharraigh 1977-12-17
Nicholas Simon deKane 1977-12-17
Phyllis of the White Marshes 1977-12-17
Irminsul the Improbable 1978-03-25
Marcus Arabis 1978-03-25
Salene of Mightrinwood 1978-03-25
Judith de Beaumont 1978-08-19
Aelflaed of Duckford 1978-12-30
Megan Andoniel of Glengalen 1978-12-30
Diane (of al-Barran) 1979-01-30
Fenna (of al-Barran) 1979-01-30
Baldwin of Erebor 1980-01-05
Jerilyn of Vert Silva 1980-10-04
Christopher of Hoghton 1980-12-06
Marian of the Caverns 1980-12-06
Aleen du Varnay 1981-11-21
Harold Thredar 1981-11-21
Rozay of Sharon 1981-11-21
Eleanor Alden of Dragonstar 1981-12-05
Aldred Colson 1983-05-29
Daved Shmuel ben Rachon 1983-10-01
Cassandra la Sable 1984-04-28
Tristian of Hags Head 1984-05-14
Dierdre Goldenthroat 1984-05-27
William Flanagan 1987-05-03
Richard Demaris 1989-06-17
William Flanagan 1996-05-11
Maechyll of Maelienydd 1998-08-22
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin 1999-01-23
Matthias Alexander Casca 1999-08-14
Ymanie the Midwife 2001-11-03
Dmitri Kazimirovich (Commander) 2002-05-04
Cecilia Mowebray 2004-08-07
Faris al-Muwallad 2004-11-13
Lore de Lorraine 2008-08-02
Odde ap Tam (Asa) 2010-05-01
Illgore Half-Ogre (Lia) 2014-11-16
Melissa of Monster Hall 2015-06-14
Slaine inghean Ui Sheanain 2016-02-27
Elieth de Salazar 2018-07-07
Æsa Geiradottir Blaskeggs 2018-12-01