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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Torse (CTC)

The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Torse of Calontir.

Notes on this order:

Sort: alpha | date

Adalyde bint Junus al-Zaarqa (awesomeness ) 2010-09-25
Agnes de Lanvallei 1988-04-16
Aidan Cocrinn 1988-12-01
Albrecht von Trier 1997-02-01
Aoki Tadamitsu 2009-02-28
Burhcwen Tedforda 1993-05-01
Cathyn Fitzgerald 1994-02-12
Ceatta o Gulcleth 1986-07-26
Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen 1987-05-30
Coemri nEithne 1992-08-29
Deotrich Hiltipard 1985-09-21
Ealdred the Tall 1991-11-09
Edmund of Rhuddlan 1992-07-18
Edmund Peregrine 1986-06-07
Ekaterina Kirkovna 2010-08-12
Eleanor d'Autun 1992-08-22
Evyenios Athemasios 1995-09-02
Genevieve Darroch 2004-03-27
Isabeau Noellet d'Avignon 1992-07-18
James Inn Danski 2005-04-30
Jasper Sleecht 2005-06-19
John of Avondale 2018-05-27
Leonora Kateryn de Provence 1991-04-06
Lijsbet vande Visschereye 1993-04-24
Lycurgus de Loch 1991-06-01
Marion Forrester 2006-02-25
Mærwynn of Holme 1997-01-18
Meriel of Tay 1989-10-28
Naitan de Yerdeburc 1993-05-01
Peregrine Elric of Courtenay 1993-07-17
Robert of Deerbourne 1993-04-24
Saito Takauji 2013-08-31
Sheelagh O'Kyan 1992-01-25
Susanna d’Arbe 2010-07-17